Aging in Place

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age well in the comfort of home

Aging in Place

According to AARP, ninety percent of people age 65 years of age or older desire to age in their own home, or to age in place. Aging in place is defined as the ability to live in one’s own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level. The National Aging in Place Council gives us guidance about what is needed to make this desire a reality in their Aging in Place Planning Guide which you can download here:


Essentially the five things that you need to comfortably live in your home as you age are:

  • Being able to function in your home as your needs change
  • Having access to health care including services in your home
  • Having sufficient financial resources
  • Having access to transportation
  • Being part of a community, having social interaction and having access to entertainment

Watch this AARP video to gain a better perspective on what aging in place is.

This video will give you a better idea of the improvements that can be made to your home to make it more age-friendly and to prepare it for aging in place.