Welcome To

Aging Solutions

Empowering you with the Information, Education, Resources and Support you need to be Proactive and to Live an Unprecedented Quality of Life as you age!

Are you prepared to live life on your own terms into your 80s and beyond?

If your answer to this question is no or you aren’t sure, you are by no-means alone! Almost half – 49% of Americans cite running out of money as their chief retirement concern, with another 44% citing declining health.

So, if these numbers are correct, where can you go or who can you see to start the planning process and to gain access to the resources you need to be more confident about being able to maintain your health, finances, and lifestyle into your oldest years?

Vibrant Aging Solutions

Vibrant Aging Solutions is a comprehensive umbrella of services that empowers and informs you as you encounter the challenges – and joys – of aging. As you transition into your older years, we can help you to offset and avoid many of the difficulties you may encounter along your way.

The Vibrant Aging Longevity Solutions Coach is now available to assist you with putting a holistic plan together that includes taking a look at your financial, health, aging in place and long-term care goals, giving you more confidence about your future.

For Your Parents and Loved Ones…

We all want an outstanding quality of life for our parents and loved ones—but they may need more assistance than we alone can give them. With Vibrant Aging Solutions you will gain a trusted partner who will be there for you when you have questions and concerns and when you need help making important life decisions. 

Everyone 1 to 100 is aging! Vibrant Aging Solutions is your trusted first point of contact for the resources and Adult Life Planning that you and your family need to live the healthiest, most prosperous life into your 80s and beyond!

Our goals while working with you include the following


Our Blog - Tips & Insights

Welcome to our blog section, where we have important aging information, and we give you creative and innovative ways to age.

What Jo has to say about Summer and Vibrant Aging Solutions…

‘I hope someone has my back.’  That’s a cliche, but like most cliches, applicable to our daily lives.
I have such a person, someone who always has my back–Summer Jackson, who founded and directs Vibrant Aging Solutions, strategies for aging with zest, financial security, and confidence.   
Summer is my advocate.  I met her about a decade ago, and we quickly bonded.  I knew I needed this smart, witty, warm and professional person in my life.  Having an advocate is extremely important to me as I age.; I’m now in my late 80s.  Aging is a challenge, and one needs help to navigate it.  Summer helps me chart my life via her knowledge, experience, professionalism, and empathy.   
When I have trouble with my long term care insurance, for instance, Summer comes to the rescue, getting the right person on the phone and seeing to it that the problem is solved.  Debt relief?  Summer knows who to contact and how to talk with them.  Possible fraud on my bank account?  I call my bank and then Summer, and we get it straight.  
Of course, I am still responsible for my insurance, banking, finances, etc.–but in Summer I have an advocate who will do battle for me.  This is a gift, valuable beyond words.  Her advocacy is priceless and gives me peace of mind. 
Summer Jackson knows what to do and does it.  Most importantly, she cares.
~ Jo McDougall