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Health & Wellness

Leading a healthy lifestyle can help you to reduce your risks for heart disease, cancer, strokes and diabetes helping to make aging in place a reality. All it takes to increase your chances for a long and healthy life is your decision to take charge of your lifestyle. Here are some things you can do today:

  • Be active – walk and exercise regularly
  • Eat lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains
  • Get plenty of fresh air and sunlight
  • Drink 8 ounces of water every day
  • Get a good night’s sleep every night
  • Don’t smoke, and be careful to watch your alcohol intake
  • Spend time with God

Make sure to have a primary care provider who knows your history and who you visit regularly. Geriatric Physicians are the best because they specialize in dealing with illness and aging. Also, consider seeing a Naturopath, a Chiropractor, a professional specializing in Acupuncture and a Massage Therapist to boost your immune system, reduce pain and get you moving in the right direction.

Pay attention to your mental health. Keeping your mind stimulated and having an active social life are every bit as important to your overall wellness as exercising and being smart about what you eat.

Naturopathic medicine aims to find and treat the root causes of illness and disease while employing a multifactorial approach to wellness using a philosophy based upon the six following principles.

  1. First Do No Harm
  2. Identify and Treat the Causes
  3. Treat the Whole Person
  4. Prevention
  5. The Healing Power of Nature
  6. Doctor as Teacher