Vibrant Aging Solutions is the direct result of years of work in the development of solutions to the problems that many people experience as they age. As the Administrator of a Retirement Community Summer Jackson saw how adult children tried to assist their aging parents, how they tried to help them to live the best quality of life possible, but many were often uncertain of where to go or what to do. Far too often her residents and their adult children found themselves living in crisis mode, grasping at straws while attempting to get out of whatever crisis they were going through at the time.
Summer was so passionate about helping to alleviate some of the pain that she saw older adults experiencing that she went on to co-found and serve as President of Professionals Caring for Seniors, a non-profit organization with over 100 professional members in Northern California. The goal of this organization was to educate professionals about new innovations in the field of aging and to better connect them through networking efforts, resulting in more cohesive aging services to the community.
She also gave her time as a volunteer board member for Area 4 Agency on Aging, assisting with fundraisers and management of the organization to continue offering information and assistance and free legal advice to senior citizens in Northern California.
In 2004 Summer founded Viva! Choices and in 2012 the name transitioned to Vibrant Aging Solutions. This organization was designed to assist adult children and their parents with defining their goals and needs and finding qualified resources, products and services to meet those needs. She and her team of professionals have continued to develop solutions to the problems that she saw her residents and their adult children facing for over 20 years.
Vibrant Aging Solutions helps families and individuals to determine the best solutions for their unique needs and assists them with doing the necessary planning to live life on their own terms into their 80s and beyond.
Raleigh Marcotte and Summer Jackson met in 2018 while working in different capacities at an Elder Law Attorney’s office. Raleigh has spent years assisting parents and loved ones with their aging needs and found that in most cases there was little if any guidance or dependable help to be found. Sharing their combined life experiences and passion for assisting people with living the best quality of life as they age,
they decided that working together would be more effective, so they began the process of updating and redefining the services and processes offered by Vibrant Aging Solutions. Raleigh proudly joined the team because of his life experience and his excitement to be able to provide solutions to people’s aging needs when they need them, prior to finding themselves living in crisis mode.
Summer has 24 years of experience in the field of aging in a wide variety of different capacities. Her experience beyond this includes working 6 years in the financial services industry in recruitment, business development, product research, training & administration, serving as long-term coordinator in the legal field, and 8 years in real estate as an award winning realtor with a focus on meeting the needs of clients 50 years of age and older. Summer has a Bachelor of Science in Human Services with an emphasis in Gerontology, a B.S. in Holistic Nutrition, and a Master of Science in Management.
Raleigh has over 19 years experience in Financial Services, Estate Planning, Data Processing and the Sales Industries with an emphasis on the development of long-term plans for individuals, computer companies and automobile dealerships. With a focus on exemplary customer service and his ability to articulate and be analytical, Raleigh strives to make sure that every client is completely satisfied and has what he/she needs to move forward with living the best quality of life possible.
A licensed, Registered Respiratory Therapist and healthcare professional for over 20 years, and a General Manager in the home care sector for 18 years, Mike is a Certified Senior Advisor® and Certified Dementia Practitioner who specializes in senior living options and transitional care. He has been advising and working directly with seniors since 1999. A native of Arkansas, Mike has worked around the state throughout the duration of his professional career and is familiar with the offerings and amenities of the majority of the senior living communities, facilities, and agencies within the service area.
During his career, he noticed families who had reached this transitional phase with a lot of questions and not a lot of answers. Such as:
Mission Statement: To assist you and your loved ones with being proactive so that your money, resources, health (physical and mental) and home will function and thrive as long as possible, optimally your entire life-span; empowering you with the information, resources, services and support you need to make the important decisions that can allow you to live an unprecedented quality of life while aging in the comfort and familiarity of home.
Vibrant Aging Solutions Can Help You to Live the Best Quality of Life as You Age! Let's Jump on an Introductory Call Today!